Wednesday, May 21, 2008

RSS Feeds

I think I have fallen in love with the Common Craft videos that are being posted to walk us through setting up all these different accounts. They are so simple to follow and even though I felt dumb for needing some of the sites "dumbed down" for me... I am ultimately thankful because I always learn something new! This weeks youTube common craft video made learning how to subscribe to the different blogs so simple! It didn't take me long at all to learn how to set them up, view them, and edit and arrange them. Unfortunately though, as I was searching for blogs to add to my feed, I started to recognize how "primitive" my blog was. By primitive, I mean boring!!! I have nothing besides the meat and potatoes of typical blog. I want the five course meal!!! I read on someones blog about the site I visited it and waalaa... I added the little mini weather thingy! I even changed the color of background! Yea Me!!! But I suppose I should return to the topic at hand... the RSS feeds.
I really think the creation of the RSS feed was the end result Scott was hoping we'd find and ENJOY! I was really getting bogged doown with ALL the different site I felt like I had to check every single day to stay on top of my assignments and follow my classmates. I think this bloglines thing is really going to help streamline this task for me and even allow me to regularly access other sites I might have normally neglected! So THANK YOU SCOTT!


AS EYE C IT said...

I agree, I love the common craft show. Although it's really dumbed down it's great. I saw your weather link. If you want you can move your link to the side of your page where your twitter feeds are. Just go to the customize icon on the top left of your page, then click on add page element then go to HTML/JavaScript and enter in the html code that you got from the website and like that you have another exciting thing to look at on your page.

Agee54 said...

I thought the video was a great help. Although I kept confusing myself by following the video and reading the blog tutorial at the same time. I think I will visit the site Sounds interesting.

JeffMcFall said...

Hey you're making me look bad by writing a novel in your blog posts. jk you are doing a great job. I agree with your teens and music. Keep up the good work. =)

Bryan said...

You are right on the getting bogged down keeping up with all the other blogs. I o am really excited about the RSS feed. It will make life a lot easier now I hope.