I won the Best Wife in the World award last year. I allowed my husband to make a spur of the moment, very expensive impulse purchase for a, and I qoute..."Chance of a lifetime" to go to the World Series in Colorado. He went... and froze his booty off, but had a great time. He was able to get some pretty cool photos that we've had enlarged and framed for our office. This one particularly stood out... Something about the American past-time of Baseball and the American Flag... pretty gorgeous! Enjoy!!!
That is a great picture. I'm also from Bakersfield. I graduated from CSUB in 2005. I currently work in McFarland at the middle school teaching PE.
Wow, wife of the year!! I love it. I am almost a wife and I already made an agreement to let the future husband go to the World Cup in New Zealand next year.
Good luck with Reno, I have taken 2 teams there. It is a very tiring week, and you will be going to school at the same time. Wow, it is so worth it though. I have some great memories of those tournaments. I even won that tournament when I was 14, good times. Good luck!!
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