Sunday, May 25, 2008

Eeny Meeny Miny MOE!!!!

Oh my gosh... or shall I say OMG!!! (which I do sarcastically of course... that "saying" drives me bookers!) I don't know where to start.... What technology explored so far could be incorporated into my career? Well I got some pretty cool news last week!! I am going to be teaching the Junior/Senior AVID (advancement via individual determination) class for 1 period next year. Which basically means I get to teach these kids how to be successful and prepare for college.. all the while I am still going to school too! I think I am definitely going to incorporate into my curriculum a blog assignment for these kids to vent, discuss, explore, share, and discover all the little things about college they are looking forward too to are scared about. I think this will be a great trial run for how I might begin to incorporate blogs and other cool technologies into my Physical Education curriculum too! Twitter originally seemed annoying to me, but it is actually kind of fun to just "update" people, whether or not they care to know exactly what I am doing when I feel like posting on twitter! It's fun to see what other people are doing or are excited about. I think personally I will continue to use twitter, but I for sure see a few problems will allowing my high schoolers to keep me that up to date about there lives!!! Yea technology!!!

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