Friday, June 20, 2008
Check out my slideshow!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
SHE's HERE!!!!

Well she finally arrived! My sister went into labor 39 minutes into Friday the 13th, of June!!!Just like everyone said! My sister seriously made labor look like a piece of cake after she got the epidural. She only had to push for 30 minutes, which her husband and I helped coach her through, and then little Lila Kate was here! He and I both cried when we finally saw her, her mother of course was totally calm until they placed her in her arms! It was the most amazing experience of my life to be able to witness the birth of my little niece! My sister means so much to me and this little girl is totally going to be my favorite and get spoiled!!! Both mom and baby are completely healthy and happy. They will finally make the journey home tomorrow morning! I am soooooooooo happy I made it up here in time to help my sister through the delivery! I'll never forget this experience!!!! She owes me though, I was an awesome coach if I might say so myself!!! Take a look at the Pictures!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Ok Nevermind...
The Adventures of Podcasting
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wanna know what I'm reading?
Fun with captions
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The amazing wonderful world of podcasts....
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Hilarious YouTube Video
This "Fitness Made Difficult" video made me laugh so hard! The concept is kind of cruel, but the video itself is really funny. I found this video by typing in "Fitness" in the search box and it was about the 2nd one I chose to look at. I like the YouTube site because you have so many videos available to you. Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot of filtering that goes on and you can end up with a video you didn't want to see even when you type in the most innocent of words! One of the things I found myself doing when I was searching for videos was hopping from the video I originally clicked on, to one that was "related" and was suggested once my video was over. I guess you can say I was cloud jumping in the land of YouTube. It took me a while to find a video related to Physical Education that was fun to watch and wasn't so clinical. This one definitely hit the spot. Enjoy! If there was a competition... I might win! I mean del.ici.ous!
Technorati Site
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Web 2.0 Discovery!!!
Eeny Meeny Miny MOE!!!!
Online Productivity Tools
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
RSS Feeds
I really think the creation of the RSS feed was the end result Scott was hoping we'd find and ENJOY! I was really getting bogged doown with ALL the different site I felt like I had to check every single day to stay on top of my assignments and follow my classmates. I think this bloglines thing is really going to help streamline this task for me and even allow me to regularly access other sites I might have normally neglected! So THANK YOU SCOTT!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Emerging Technologies and Web, Library, & Teen Services 2.0
I felt the article "Emerging Technologies Changing Public Library Service Delivery Models" was the most complete and thorough peice in regards to describing and informing the user of all the different types of technologies that are available today. Most of the information was simple to understand and helpful by suggesting ways of using each peice of technology. Although most of the examples were geared to the library's use of technology I could easily adapt most suggestions to fit the classroom environment. For example, I could use podcasts in the classroom in the same manner a librarian could by providing short, informational episodes about one issues combining voiceover by a host and interviews with clients (guest speakers, persons of interest, etc.) Students might find listening to an interview is more interesting that reading about one on a worksheet. Or, I could give weekly updates about what is going on in your library (or classroom) for students who are absent or wanted a reminder. The best example I thought of for using a podcast was to provide professional development for staff. My collegues and I always ponder why during in-service meetings we are never asked to present the lastest data or information in our subject area. I think teaching an in-service on creating and using podcasts in the Physical Education classroom would be interesting and also serve to teach other subjects who they could integrate podcasts into their subject areas.
The Age of Technology
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My New Camera
Below is the link to the Circuit City website page that describes the features on my new camera! I just went out and purchased this camera today! I had to buy a new camera for a number of reasons. One being that I am going to be traveling quite a bit this summer and spending a month in Idaho when my sister has her baby and I want a great camera to capture all the cuteness! Also, my club volleyball team will be going to the Reno Festival and I wanted to be able to take a bunch of pictures of all the fun we are going to have. There are many reasons why I decided to spend this much on a new camera!
One of the main reasons I needed a new camera is because my husband had purchased one for my birthday this last August. Unfortunately, over thanksgiving break, it was dropped while at Disneyland and ceased to operate. After finding out it would cost the same amount to repair the old camera, I decided it would be easier to simply buy a new one. I was leary about buying another "slim" camera, as they are all you can seem to find/afford these days, because of the chincy bodies. The last thing I needed to do was lose another $300!! So when I saw that this particular camera was "SHOCK-Proof" as well as "water-proof" I had to investigate! I pondered the validity of this "shock-proof" camera so I went to the store and played around with one. Turns out it really is shock proof from 5ft. and water proof down to 10ft. I don't think I'll ever test out the water proof side of it, but I was definately pleased with the shock proof ability, as I am particularly clumsy. I went out on a limb and bought it! Come to find out, it has the COOLEST feature available on it! In Camera Panorama!
As soon as I can upload a good example of what this camera is capable of I will. I will be getting lots of test shots this weekend! Meanwhile... check out the other features this camera boasts. If you are in the market for a new camera, I would totally recommend this one. Especially if you are clumsy! Take Care!
Monday, May 12, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My first Blog- what a journey
Today I am officially in the 2nd day of my Master's program for Kinesiology and I have started my usual obsessive compulsive organizational phase. I have recognized this pattern after many years of education and subsequently credit my collegiate academic success on this funny habit. I start off every semester/quarter/session being meticulous about organization; buying brand new binders with dividers, downloading AND printing everything for each class (syllabus, assignments, schedule, resources, etc.). I am usually very anxious about getting started on the assignments in my classes, in part due to my fear of falling behind the rest of the class and to the fear of being lost in the subject! I've recognized in past compulsions that I am able to carry on in this manner for several weeks before falling into other less noble habits: procrastination to name just one!
In my high school days I was rather an expert at procrastination. Of course back then I could easily distract myself by "IM-ing" with friends online, all the while making my dad think I was busy at work on a paper or something. Naturally of course, this dirty little habit took it's toll on my studies and of course my GPA. I casually passed my barely average grades on being "not as smart as my sister," which only lasted until I started studying a topic I really enjoyed once I got to college. That topic of course was/is Physical Education.
I was probably what you would call an average athlete in high school, although I've always felt that my passion for volleyball obviously out-weighed those of my teammates who were "staying in shape 'til basketball season." I was able to excel in my sport mainly due to my height (6'0) and with the help of my role model, my older sister. Even though I was never the "star" of the team, athletics and volleyball were always what I did better than academics. When it finally came time to declare a major course of study for college, I made the decision to study physical education. My first course was a prerequisite, Human Anantomy, it didn't take long before I was hooked. The human body and the way it functioned was actually fascinating to me. All in the course of a semester I was transformed into a studying, test aceing, book worm student, who was no longer taking courses just to satisfy requirements. I was learning something everyday and succeeding in academics for the first time! (Who's the smart sister now!?!?!) Which led me to my degree in physical education and now i'm back in high school, teaching the stuff that I thought was "really cool" to kids who have no idea why I love what I do! Who woulda thunk it?